Agents and resellers

Choose the quality of Mia Food Tech machinery for your customers

Become an agent or reseller of Mia Food Tech, a company that has been producing machinery for dried fruits processing and sweets for almost 30 years with innovation and continuous research, combined with experience and knowledge of the sector.

The Mia Food Tech sales network extends to many countries around the world. From Europe to North and South America, also arriving in Japan and Australia.

Mia Food Tech, thanks to the generational passage, follows every step of the creation process through the design and development of the machines components.

The particular attention paid to the operational safety of the technologies is synonymous with sensitivity and responsibility towards the people who use the equipment every day.

Precisely these attentions are the heartbeats that represent the key to the success of this entirely Piedmontese reality. Mia Food Tech acts as a reference for its customers, also with after-sales support. Thanks to its assistance service, it is always close to its customers, both in Italy and abroad.

Since more then 30 years, we have been producing machines for processing dried fruit and sweets

Experience and technical knowledge have led Mia Food Tech to create a vast production catalog ranging from single machines (stand-alone) up to fully automatic lines and turnkey systems.

A small chocolate praline, spherical like the world that lies behind its production. This is the story of a family and many others that have revolved for years around a planet dedicated to the food sector. Timeliness and professionalism are the basic qualities of a job that guarantees support and trust, allowing the company to have a place of honor in the Italian and international market.

Choosing Mia Food Tech is like becoming part of an idea, which has transformed into a project, becoming a consolidated and appreciated reality.

A large production catalog for different types of processes

Nut roasters for hazelnuts, almonds, pistachios, macadamia nuts, chopping machines for hazelnuts, almonds, nougat, brittle, vibratory feeders for chopped nuts (whole or chopped/roasted or to be roasted), pralines, etc.

Caramelized coating machines for coating nuts with sugar, panning machines for coating nuts with chocolate (glossy or truffle), cookers and mixers for nougat, brittle, truffles, jams, spreads and amaretti.

Manual/semi-automatic/automatic cutters for chocolate, nougat, brittle, cookies, cremini; ultrasonic cutters for confectionery products; tables for preparing brittle; various equipment for processing chocolate, brittle, nougat, pralines and dragées; special machines and equipment based on customer specifications; automatic systems and lines for nougat, brittle, cereal bars, food supplements; cooling tunnels for chocolate, nougat, confectionery products; stand-alone tempering and enrobing machines or for combination with automatic systems.

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MIA Food Tech awaits you for a visit to the company to offer you the opportunity to test and observe the machines before purchasing. A specialized technical team will be at your disposal to advise you and tell you about the advantages and specifications of each project and to let you try our machines firsthand. Experimentation, study and in-depth analysis related to the raw material allow the company to optimize and improve the creation of new technologies year after year.

mia icon formazione macchinari semplici robusti
mia icon grande varieta catalogo

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